
CAL Publications

Key to research groups: CAL - Cognition Across the Lifespan, LAN - Language, PaCT - Psychology and Communication Technology, VASC - Vision Action and Spatial Cognition

in Press

Alloway, T P., Elliott, J. , & Holmes, J. (in Press). The prevalence of ADHD-like symptoms in a community sample. Journal of Attention Disorders.

Friedman,O., Neary, K. , & Defeyter, M.A.(in Press). Object ownership: First possessor heuristic or multiple cues? New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development

Meldrum, S. J., Smith, M. A., Prescott, S. L., Hird, K., & Simmer, K.(in press). Inconclusive results in infant LCPUFA supplementation trials: factors for consideration. Nutrition Reviews.

Oddy, W. H., Hickling, S., Smith, M. A., O'Sullivan, T., Robinson, M., de Klerk, N., & Beilin, L. J.(in press). Dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids and risk of depressive symptoms in adolescents. Depression and Anxiety

Riby, L. M., Barron, L., Greer, J., & Smallwood, J.(in press). Absorbed in thought: The imPACT of mind-wandering on the processing of relevant and irrelevant events. Psychological Science

Smith, M. A., Beilin, L. J., Mori, T. A., & Oddy, W. H. (in press). The influence of essential fatty acids on mood disorders: A systematic review of observational studies. American Journal of Food and Nutrition.

Smith, M. A., Hii, H. L., Foster, J. K., & van Eekelen, J. A. M. (in press). Glucose enhancement of memory is modulated by trait anxiety in healthy adolescent males. Journal of Psychopharmacology .

Smith, M. A., Riby, L. M., van Eekelen, J. A. M., & Foster, J. K. (in press). Glucose modulation of episodic memory: a comprehensive review of the glucose memory facilitation effect. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.


Lord, Sue, Chastin, S., McInnes, L., Little, L., Briggs, P., & Rochester, L. (2011). Exploring patterns of daily physical and sedentary behaviour in community dwelling older adults. Age and Ageing e-print ahead of publication.

Smith, M., Riby, L.M., van Eekelen, J.A., & Foster, J.K.(2011). Glucose enhancement of human memory: A comprehensive review of the glucose facilitation effect. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 35, 770-783.


Alloway, T P., Gathercole, S E., Holmes, J., Place, M. , & Elliott, J.(2010). The diagnostic utility of behavioural checklists in identifying children with ADHD and children with working memory deficits. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 40, 353-366.

Brown, L.A., Riby, L.M., & Reay, J.L.(2010). Supplementing Cognitive Ageing: A selective review of the effects of everyday nutritional substances. Experimental Ageing Research, 36, 105-122

Defeyter, M.A, Graham, P.L, Walton, J. , & Apicella, T.(2010). Breakfast clubs: Availability for British schoolchildren and the nutritional, social and academic benefits. Nutrition Bulletin, 35, 245-253.,[link]

Defeyter, M.A, Graham, P.L, Walton, J., & Apicella, T.(2010). Breakfast clubs: Availability for British schoolchildren and the nutritional, social and academic benefits. Nutrition Bulletin, 35, 245-253.,[link]

Elliott, J., Gathercole, S.E., Alloway, T.P., Holmes, J. , & Kirkwood, H. (2010). An Evaluation of a Classroom-Based Intervention to Help Overcome Working Memory Difficulties and Improve Long-Term Academic Achievement. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 9, 227-250.

Holmes J. (2010). Advances in Child Development and Behavior. Volume 39: Developmental Disorders and Interventions. Academic Press: London, UK.

Holmes, J., Gathercole, S E., Place, M., Alloway, T P., Elliott, J G. , & Hilton, K. A. (2010). The diagnostic utility of executive function assessments in the identification of ADHD in children. Child & Adolescent Mental Health, 15, 37-43.

Holmes, J., Gathercole, S E., Place, M., Dunning, D L., Hilton, K A. , & Elliott, J.G.(2010). Working memory deficits can be overcome: ImPACTs of training and medication on working memory in children with ADHD. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 24, 827-836.

Holmes, J., Gathercole, S.E. , & Dunning, D.L. (2010). Poor working memory: ImPACT and Interventions. In P.Bauer (Ed.) Advances in Child Development and Behaviour, Volume 39, Developmental Disorders and Interventions, J.Holmes, Academic Press: London, UK, 2010, pp.1-43.

Martin, D. , & Greer, J.(2010). Getting to know you: From view-dependent to view-invariant repetition priming for unfamiliar faces. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64: 2, 217-223

Riby, D. M., Jones, N., Robinson, Langton, S., Bruce, V., & Riby, L.M.(2010). Attention to faces in Williams syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Williams, L.R., Hutchinson, C.E., Jackson, A., Horan, M. A., Jones, M., McInnes, L., & Rabbitt, P.M.(2010). Clinical correlates of cerebral white matter hyperintensities in cognitively normal older adults. . Archives of gerontology and geriatrics, 50 (2), 127-131,[link]

Yusof, MY., Horan, MA., Jones, M. McInnes, L. Rabbitt, P.M., & Pendleton, N.(2010). Developing a self-reported comorbidity index to predict mortality of community-dwelling older adults. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics, 50 (3), e63-e67,[link]


Defeyter, M.A, German, T.P. , & Hearing, J.(2009). A developmental dissociation between category function and function judgements about novel artifacts. Cognition, 110, 2, 260 -264

Defeyter, M.A, Russo, R. , & McPartlin, P.L.(2009). The picture superiority effect in recognition memory: A developmental study using the response signal procedure. Cognitive Development, 24, 265-273.,[link]

Defeyter, M.A, Russo, R., & McPartlin, P.L.(2009). The picture superiority effect in recognition memory: A developmental study using the response signal procedure. Cognitive Development, 24, 265-273.,[link]

Doherty-Sneddon , G., Riby, D, Calderwood, L. , & Ainsworth, L. (2009). Stuck on you: face ?to- face arousal and gaze aversion in Williams syndrome. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 14 (6), 1-14.

Doherty-Sneddon G., Phelps, F. , & Calderwood, L.(2009). Gaze Aversion During Children?s Transient Knowledge and Learning. Cognition and Instruction, 27, 225 - 238.

Holmes, J., Gathercole, S E. , & Dunning, D. L. (2009). Adaptive training leads to sustained enhancement of poor working memory in children. Developmental Science, 12, F9-F15.

Rabbitt, P., Lunn, M., Ibrahim, S., & McInnes, L. (2009). Further analyses of the effects of practice, dropout, sex, socio-economic advantage, and recruitment cohort differences during the University of Manchester longitudinal study of cognitive change in ol The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,62:9,1859 1872,[link]

Riby, D. M., Doherty-Sneddon, G. , & Bruce, V.(2009). The eyes or the mouth? Feature salience and unfamiliar face processing in Williams syndrome and autism. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, 189-203.

Riby, D. M., Riby, L. M., & Reay, J.(2009). Differential sensitivity to rotations of facial features in the Thatcher illusion. Psychological Reports, 105, 721 726.

Riby, L.M., Marriott, A., Bullock, R., Hancock, J., Smallwood, J., & McLaughlin, J.(2009). The Effects of Glucose Ingestion and Glucose Regulation on Memory Performance in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 63, 566 571

Scholey,A. B., Sünram-Lea, S.I., Greer, J., Elliott, J. , & Kennedy,D.O.(2009). Glucose administration prior to a divided attention task improves tracking performance but not word recognition: evidence against differential memory enhancement? Psychopharmacology, 202: 549-558

Scholey,A.B., Sünram-Lea, S.I., Greer J., Elliott J. , & Kennedy, D.O.(2009). Glucose enhancement of memory depends on initial thirst. Appetite 53 (2009) 426 429

Smith, M. A., Riby, L. M., Sünram-Lea, S. I., van Eekelen, J. A. M., & Foster, J. K.(2009). Glucose modulates event-related potential components of recollection and familiarity in healthy adolescents. Psychopharmacology, 205, 11-20

Smith, M.A., Riby, L.M., Sünram-Lea, S.I., van Eekelen, J.A., & Foster, J.K.(2009). Glucose modulates event-related potential components of recollection and familiarity in healthy adolescents. Psychopharmacology, 205, 11-20

St. Clair-Thompson, H.L. , & Holmes, J. (2009). Improving short-term and working memory: Methods of memory training. In N.B. Johansen (Ed.) New research on short-term memory. Nova Science Publishers: New York.


Doherty-Sneddon , G.(2008). The great baby signing debate. Invited article. The Psychologist, 21, 300-303.

Doherty-Sneddon , G. (2008). Eyes: A new window on mental disorders, clues about autism, Williams syndrome and the social brain come from tracking eye movements. Scientific American, Mind Matters, Sept 16th, 2008.

Gathercole, S. E., Alloway, T. P., Kirkwood, H. J., Elliott, J. E., Holmes, J. , & Hilton, K. (2008). Attentional and executive function behaviours in children with poor working memory. Learning and Individual Differences, 18, 214-223.

Hamilton, C.J.(2008). Cognition and Sex Differences. London, Palgrave Publishers

Haskell, C., Scholey, A., Jackson, P., Elliot, J., Defeyter, M., Greer, J., Robertson, B. , & Buchan(2008). Cognitive and mood effects in healthy children during 12 weeks supplementation with multi-vitamin/minerals. British Journal of Nutrition, 100 (5). pp. 1086-1096

Holmes, J., Adams, J.W. , & Hamilton, C. J. (2008). Visuo-spatial working memory capacity and children's mathematical skills. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 20, 272-289.

Holmes, J., Adams, J.W., & Hamilton, C.J.(2008). The relationship between visuo-spatial sketchpad capacity and children's mathematical skills. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 20(2), 272-289

Rabbitt, P., Lunn, M., Ibrahim, S., Cobain, M., & McInnes, L. (2008). Unhappiness, health and cognitive ability in old age. Psychological Medicine, 38, 229-236.,[link]

Riby, D. M., Doherty-Sneddon, G. , & Bruce, V.(2008). Exploring face perception in disorders of development: Evidence from Williams syndrome and autism. Journal of Neuropsychology, 2, 47-64.

Riby, D. M., Doherty-Sneddon, G. , & Bruce, V.(2008). Atypical unfamiliar face processing Williams syndrome: What can it tell us about the typical familiarity effects. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 47-58.

Riby, L.M., McLaughlin, J., Riby, D.M., & Graham, C. (2008). Lifestyle, glucose regulation and the cognitive effects of glucose load in middle-aged adults. British Journal of Nutrition, 100, 1128-1134

Riby, L.M., Smallwood, J., & Gunn, V.(2008). An event related potential investigation of processing style, strategy and retrieval from episodic memory. Psychological Reports, 102, 805-818.

Riby, L.M., Sunram-Lea, S., Graham, C., Foster, J., Cooper, T., Moodie, C., & Gunn, V.P.(2008). The P3b versus the P3a: An Event Related Potential Investigation of the Glucose Facilitation Effect. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 22, 486-492.

Smith, M. A., & Foster, J. K.(2008). Glucoregulatory and order effects on verbal episodic memory in healthy adolescents after oral glucose administration. Biological Psychology, 79, 209-215

Smith, M. A., & Foster, J. K.(2008). The imPACT of a high versus a low glycaemic index breakfast cereal on verbal episodic memory in healthy adolescents. Nutritional Neuroscience, 11, 219-227


Brookes, H., Neave, N., Hamilton, C. , & Fink, B.(2007). Digit ratio (2D:4D) and lateralisation for basic numerical quantification. Journal of Individual Differences, 28: 55-63

Caldwell, G., & Riby, L.M.(2007). The Effects of Music Exposure and Own Genre Preference on Conscious and Unconscious Cognitive Processes: A Pilot ERP study. Consciousness and Cognition, 6, 992-996

Defeyter, M.A. , & McPartlin, P.L.(2007). Helping students understand essay marking criteria and feedback. Psychology Teaching Review, 13, 23-33.,[link]

Defeyter, M.A., & McPartlin, P.L.(2007). Helping students understand essay marking criteria and feedback. Psychology Teaching Review, 13, 23-33.,[link]

Doherty-Sneddon , G. , & Phelps, F.(2007). Teachers' responses to children's gaze aversion. Journal of Educational Psychology., 27, 91-107.

Doherty-Sneddon , G., Phelps, F. , & Clark, J.(2007). Children's gaze aversion: qualitative changes over the primary school years. British Journal of Developmental Psychology.

Foster, J. K., Smith, M. A., Woodman, M., Zombor, R., & Ashton, J.(2007). ImPACT of a wholegrain breakfast cereal meal on blood glucose level, mood and affect. Food Australia, 59, 593-596

Moss, G., Hamilton, C., & Neave, N.(2007). Evolutionary factors in design preferences. The Journal of Brand Management, 14: 313-323.