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Home Facilities Virtual Reality Laboratory

Virtual Reality Laboratory

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We have a fully immersive large-space Virtual Reality facility that can be used for a number of psychology studies. The principle benefit of such a system is that it allows you to precisely control and manipulate a participants perspective in the first person. the lab contains 2 head mounted displays which allow for head movements to be tracked  using one of two motion capture systems.

The facility allows for full body tracking using either optical motion capture using an Optitrack 16 camera setup, or a Polhemus Latus magnetic tracking system which is especially useful when conducting studies where markers become occluded from camera views. The lab also features a pair of VR gloves for tracking of hand and arm movements (including finger movements) that allow users to fully interact with your environment. Other features include eye tracking and speech recording.

Creation of experiments is based on Vizard, a powerful Python set of modules and libraries that allows for seamless integration of motion tracking, environment models and experimental features.


The lab can be booked using the standard psychology facilities booking system.