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Cognition and Communication Research Centre
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The Cognition and Communication Research Centre (CoCo) conducts basic and applied research into human cognition and communication. CoCo’s mission is to understand how people – from children to older members of society to clinical populations – communicate and interact with each other and with the real and virtual worlds they inhabit.

CoCo is focussed around four main themes: Cognition across the Lifespan (CaL), Language (LAN), Psychology and Communication Technology (PACT), Vision, Action and Spatial Cognition (VASC).

Research in CoCo is funded by major research grants from the UK Research Councils and government bodies (e.g. ESRC, EPSRC, AHRC, NIHR), awards from industry (e.g., GlaxoSmithKline, Kellogg's, NCR), and from charitable sources (e.g. Leverhulme Trust, Diabetes UK). Since 2007, when CoCo was officially launched, CoCo has received funding in excess of £3.5 million in external funding. We would like to thank all our funders for their support.


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